Volume 4, Number 1

Published on June 30, 2010

  • XeTeX-ko: A XeTeX Macro Package for Processing Korean Documents (XeTeX-ko: XeTeX 엔진을 위한 한국어 조판 매크로)
    by Dohyun Kim (김도현) 1-30

    XeTeX-ko is a macro package for typesetting Korean documents, including old Hangul texts as well, upon XeTeX engine. XeTeX is a sophisticated TeX-engine which supports quite well full Unicode encoding and OpenType layout features. Using XeTeX itself, however, is not fully satisfactory in the eyes of the Korean, especially because of relatively poor quality of latin/greek/cyrillic glyphs in many Korean fonts. For this reason among others, XeTeX-ko has been recently developed, mainly focusing on how to typeset with different fonts between Western and Korean characters. This paper presents current state of XeTeX-ko package along with its main features and usages, including among others how to configure Korean fonts, how to change character spacing, and what to be prepared for typesetting old Hangul texts. At the end of the paper, some limitations of current XeTeX-ko package will also be discussed as a warning to the users.

  • Fontspec: Wing of XeTeX (Fontspec: XeTeX의 날개)
    by Juho Lee (이주호) 31-68

    Fontspec 패키지는 XeTeX에서 트루타입 폰트와 오픈타입 폰트를 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 도와주는 패키지이다. 이를 통하여 사용자는 폰트에 포함된 고급스러운 타이포그래피적인 특성을 자유롭게 사용하여 고품질의 문서 조판을 이루어낼 수 있다. 이 글은 폰트에 대한 이해를 도모하기 위하여 현대 인쇄 출판에 주로 사용되는 폰트의 발전 과정과 각 폰트의 특성을 간략히 소개한다. 이어 리거처, 숫자 모양, 커닝, 작은 대문자, 스와시∙올터네이트∙배리언트 등 글리프 대체로 일괄할 수 있는 폰트의 고급 특성을 fontspec 패키지 및 한글 텍 환경에 최적화된 XeTeX-ko에서 어떻게 구현할 수 있는지 다양한 예제 중심으로 제시한다.

  • On Technical Writing of Manuals (설명서 글쓰기에 대하여)
    by Hoze Yi (이호재) 69-80

    이 글의 주제는 '설명서 글쓰기'로 크게 두 가지 범주에서 논의하고자 한다. 하나는 글쓰기의 여러 갈래 중 '설명서'라는 분야가 갖는 특징과 제약에 대한 것이고, 다른 하나는 그 조건들을 충족할 수 있는 문장론에 대한 것이다. 이들에 대한 논의와 함께 설명서 글쓰기가 요구하는 다양한 작업들에 대해서도 설명한다.

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Volume 4, Number 2

Published on December 31, 2010

  • Understanding and Using Coordinates in PSTricks with Application to Plotting Functions from Economics Models (PSTricks 좌표의 이해와 활용: 경제학 모형의 함수 플로팅을 중심으로)
    by In-Sung Cho (조인성) 81-100

    The article examines the coordinate systems in PSTricks. Though the default is the Cartesian coordinate system, one can also use the polar coordinate system once the command \SpecialCoor is declared. The command \SpecialCoor allows greater variety of expression of the Cartesian and polar coordinates, such as PostScript language and predefined nodes. Understanding the features of the various expression of coordinates would make the tedious graphing job interesting or challenging. The article provides some examples of plotting economics models: markets, monopoly, and Cournot duopoly.

  • USB Portable Japanese TeX Environment for Windows
    by Akira Takahashi (高橋 章) 101-110

    This paper describes a method for developing a Japanese TeX environment on a USB drive for Windows users. In order to sufficiently support the Japanese TeX environment, not only W32TeX, which contains upLaTeX and TeXworks, but also Ghostscript, which can handle TrueType/OpenType CJK fonts, GSview, and the Perl execution environment are installed.

  • The Extension of KeTpic Functions --- Meta commands and their applications
    by Masataka Kaneko and Setsuo Takato 111-120

    Though LaTeX has become the standard tool for editing high-quality mathematical documents, the use of graphics in LaTeX tends to be unsatisfactory. Also it is desirable that capability of generating tables and page layout in the preferred style be added to LaTeX. The authors have developed KeTpic, a computer algebra system (CAS)-based plug-in for high-quality graphics in LaTeX documents. In this paper, we will show how newly developed functions of KeTpic can easily generate new environments or graphical commands of LaTeX , so that LaTeX can be endowed with the above mentioned capabilities.

  • BibTeX-based Manuscript Writing Support System for Researchers
    by Shin-ichi Todoroki (轟 眞市) and Tomoya Konishi (小西 智也) 121-128

    A list of publications can help researchers with their writing if each item on the list includes links to their manuscript files stored in their personal computers. This is because they can quickly find their previous work, figures and photographs from the list and reduce their writing time by reusing them. We have developed a system providing such lists on a web browser by using Ruby scripts and BibTeX bib files. This system is designed to generate an author's list of publications in various formats and to manage current manuscripts to provide an adequate return for keeping the database up to date.

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