Published on December 31, 2011
Record of the Distribution Round Table (ディストリビューションラウンドテーブルの記録)
by the Committee of the TeX Conference Japan 2011 (TeX ユーザの集い2011実行委員会)
The session "Distribution Round Table" was held in the TeX Conference Japan 2011 on 22nd October, 2011. The object of this session was to introduce Japanese TeX distributers or packagers of each platforms, TeX distribution developers, and TeX engine developers to one another, and to share and discuss their problems. They discuss many topics by almost clarifying what is the difference between Japanese localized TeX environments and the original TeX Live environment. The topic of the updmap (update map) for mapping Japanese Kanji stood out, and the difference in Japanese Kanji mappings of the updmap would be merged in the upstream of the TeX Live. In other topics, they shared and discussed how do many Japanese TeX users typeset documents and preview the resulting DVI/PDF files with or without synchronizing their source TeX files. They also introduced that the TeX Live system has a local repository system.
ディストリビューションラウンドテーブルは,2011年10月22日に東京大学生産技術研究所で開催された「TeXユーザの集い2011」の中のひとつの企画である.日本語TeXを配布している各OSディストリビュータ,TeXパッケージ管理者およびTeXディストリビューション開発者,TeX関連エンジンの開発者が集まって,顔合わせと,課題共有などの議論を行うことを目的とした.議論においては,日本語TeX環境とTeX Liveとの差分を明らかにする形で議論が進められ,とくにupdmap(update map)のパッチ採用について進展の兆しが見られた.ほかにもxdviの日本語対応と日本における標準的なタイプセット・プリビュー手順についての議論,エディタ=ビューア間ジャンプ機能の知識共有,TeX Liveにおけるレポジトリ機能の紹介などが行われた.
Development of the LuaTeX-ja package
by Hironori Kitagawa (北川 弘典)
LuaTeX-ja is a macro package for typesetting Japanese documents with LuaTeX. It enjoys improved flexibility of LuaTeX in typesetting TeX documents, eliminating some unwanted features of pTeX, the widely-used variant of TeX for the Japanese language. In this paper, we describe the specifications, the current status, and some internal processing methods of LuaTeX-ja.